
Set a standard for UX success with QXscore

The single experience score to evaluate performance and show impact.

Measure and Manage UX

Illustration of a start in a circle

Measure UX performance

Provide a clear performance score that aligns with KPIs to demonstrate the business impact of UX to your stakeholders and leaders.

Illustration of a light bulb

Make confident decisions

Start making decisions with statistically valid data that quantify users’ attitudes and behaviors with actionable task-level insights.

Illustration of a clipboard with 3 checkmarks

Benchmark against competitors

Understand how you measure up against your competitors and consistently track your own improvements over time, using our standardized score.

Measuring experience with QXscore

Watch this 50-second video to understand how QXscore aligns to business KPIs and identifies tactical areas to improve.

Multiple metrics in a single experience score

QXscore is a standard score for everyone, built and validated from years of UX measurement experience. The following attitudinal and behavioral metrics combine to provide a complete measure of the digital experience.


Checklist icon

Task success

UserTesting design iteration icon

Customer satisfaction

UserTesting cloud security icon

Reliability and trust

video camera illustration UserTesting


UserTesting icon chart illustration

Net Promoter Score

What do the results look like?

Traditional metrics, like NPS or abandonment, only tell half of the picture - what is happening but not why it's happening. QXscore gives you one score combining behavioral and attitudinal data, with task-level insights, helping your team understand where to focus and what to prioritize.

As the data is collected, we generate a scorecard. The ‘final score’ of 75 is your QXscore, the single experience score for this product.

Dig deeper to see individual scores for component areas, helping you better understand the overall performance of your product and identify strengths and weaknesses.


Gain a competitive advantage with QXscore

Subscribe to our Competitive UX Benchmarking Service and see QXscore in action.

Competitive insights using our unique ranking system

By subscribing to our Competitive UX Benchmarking Service, you’ll get access to attitudinal and behavioral user experience data across a variety of industries, so you can: 

  • Benchmark the performance of your digital experiences compared to the best experiences in the market
  • Inform which features are worth replicating

Demonstrate UX impact

Yuan Zhou, Global UX Design Lead at Kimberly-Clark, details how UserZoom's single UX score can easily be shared with stakeholders and prove how UX research can impact business outcomes.


Deliver exceptional digital experiences with quality insight